AI Art
“Art explores and makes visible the edges of AI and its impact on all spheres of political, social, economic, and cultural life. It raises reflections and debates in a more transversal
and multifaceted way, connecting facts and fictions, beyond what is determined by the interests of the market or politics. Regarding AI and art, this is not only interesting, but also necessary: disruptive and out of the box thinking, visualizing, or performing.“ [Karin Ohlenschläger, artistic director of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial in Gijón]
For me creating a picture with AI is like developing a film-negative that I have taken out of the worlds box of memories, putting it into the AI machine eagerly waiting its emergence - not knowing what to expect... will it be Picasso sitting on a chair in front of is house or a bird landing on the moon... [cerridan | design]